This book book offers a gripping exploration of the decline of traditional journalism, presenting a narrative that is both captivating and thought-provoking. The author's unique perspective as a former news reporter turned media critic lends authenticity and depth to his analysis.
Czech masterfully weaves metaphor and reality, personifying journalism as a "beast" that once thrived on a diet of professionalism and objectivity. This vivid imagery creates a compelling narrative thread that runs throughout the book, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. The author's storytelling prowess shines as he traces the evolution of American journalism, from its heyday of public trust to its current state of crisis. Czech's insider knowledge provides fascinating insights into newsroom dynamics and the pressures faced by reporters, making the reader feel like a fly on the wall in a bustling newsroom. Purchase it NOW on Amazon
Who better than a guy who spent 25 years as a newspaper reporter and established himself as one of the mainstream media's harshest critics to write a book about the broken relationship between the media and the American public? Makes sense to me, but it took me a while to get to this point.
You could say writing is in my blood -- my mother was a newspaper reporter and photographer and before her, my grandmother. But I started off on a divergent path, earning a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. However, once I graduated, I decided law enforcement wasn't a good fit, so I took a job as a hospital security officer by day and pursued a second degree in journalism by night. I then parlayed my two degrees into my first job as a full-time newspaper crime reporter in 1996 at a start-up paper in Rhode Island. Two years later, I moved from RI to Pennsylvania, working for three different newspapers in the Keystone State, all as a crime and emergency news reporter. Sensing a seismic shift in the craft and industry of journalism, I left newspapers in 2021, and now work in public relations. My first book, "Saving the Beast -- A Recovering Reporter Reflects on America's Broken Media and How to Fix it" -- is the culmination of nearly two years of dissecting the once-symbiotic, now-contentious marriage between the mainstream media and the public. It is my hope that readers find it educational, informative and entertaining. -Ted Purchase it NOW on Amazon